Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing #3

Well setting up the blog wasn't as difficult as I thought. After playing around and watching the tutorials it seemed pretty easy. I already had an avatar set up through my yahoo account so I just made a few changes to it and figured out how to export. I had never exported the avatar before so that was something new. The hardest part for me was coming up with a name for the blog. I'm not sure why that was so hard, I guess I was over thinking it. I can't wait to get started on the rest of the "Things" and see what I can use in my classroom next year!

1 comment:

Book Nook Girl said...

I agree the naming of your blog is difficult! Kept thinking, "I am going to be stuck with this name, so I better like it!" I tend to worry over the little details!
Glad you found setting up the blog to be easy - it is easy and fun! Great avatar too! You are on your way!