Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thing #15

After reading all of the articles, blogs, etc it really made me realize how much things have changed since I was in school. I've learned the new technology and have always been interested in technology so it was as obvious to me how much our lives have changed. I realized it when I was reading about how librarians jobs are changing. That is when I realized that I rarely stepped foot into the actual library in college. I had so many resources that made my research possible with out spending all day in the actual building. As a teacher I use my school library so much more than I ever have before. I think that has to do impart because of our WONDERFUL librarian. She is a graduate of this class and has implemented many of the Web 2.0 resources into our daily life as teachers and staff. It made me really think back to several years ago when I came to the school--our library has changed so much. (In a good way)
I have to wonder though--will the physical library building become a thing of the past since we have moved toward web based resources so much more? It seems odd to think that "going to the library" could take on a whole new meaning for my kids in the future....will they even know what a library like I know it (shelves of books, a library card, librarian to help you find that special book) looks like?

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