Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thing #11 LibraryThing

I love LibraryThing....I've had an account since last year. Unfortunately I haven't finished logging my books into my account. It has helped me keep track of the books that I have and since it accessible online I can check it anywhere. Very helpful between home and work. It is also not very expensive to have a lifetime membership and log as many books as you want. Which has been wonderful since I have shelves and shelves of books. It has helped me during lesson planning to quickly see if I alread own a book that I need or if I need to check it out from the library. One of my goals this summer was to finish logging my books...so far I've done well--hopefully I will be finished before school starts!

1 comment:

bookeatersclub said...

Finding LibraryThing as one of the activities is "23 Things" serves as a reminder of what this resource can do for you.

Good luck getting all your books logged in. Just think how useful your finished task will be!